Teach Us to Pray
Sermon archive from our series on Matthew 6:5-15
Teach Us To Pray Week 6: Give Us Today Our Daily Bread
When we pray, "give us today our daily bread" we are assuming our dependence on God and recognizing that we can do nothing outside of Him.
Teach Us To Pray Week 5: Your Will be Done
We learn that by praying "Your will be done," we are surrendering our own wants to the Lord and in turn trusting that He is faithful to us always.
Teach Us To Pray Week 4: Your Kingdom Come
Prayer allows us to know ourselves and to know God. When we pray, "Your Kingdom Come" we are submitting ourselves to the will and love of God.
Teach Us To Pray Week 3: Hallowed Be Your Name
This week we are looking at the second line of the Lord's Prayer: "hallowed by your name." Throughout the Bible, and even today, we know that names are important because they hold meaning. We can "hallow" the name of the...
Teach Us To Pray Week 2: Our Father
This week we are looking at Jesus' model of how to pray and really zooming in just on the first sentence: "Our Father in heaven, hallowed by your name." This single sentence can seem simple, yet its implications are quite...
Teach Us To Pray Week 1: How Not To Pray
This week we start a new message series called "Teach Us To Pray" where we will be unpacking different elements of prayer and redefining how it impacts our daily lives.
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